Junk Car Removal

We will pay you up to $500 for your Junk Car.

(603) 529-TOWU (8698)

Don’t just call anyone to tow your vehicle, junk or not.  It’s important to know you are working with a local company you can trust, is properly  insured,  has experienced tow truck operators and always conducts themselves in a professional and courteous manner. 

 AllStar Towing will offer you the very best price for your vehicle, so remember to always call us last. We will pick your junk car up at a time that  is convenient for you and tow it away free of charge and pay you cash at the time of pickup.   

Mention you saw us on FACE BOOK or found us on our web site and we will give you a $25.00 restaurant gift certificate.


173 S. Stark Highway
Weare, NH 03281


24/7 towing and roadside assistance. AAA approved.

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